COVID-19, contagious diseases, and natural disastersBusiness continuity
Appleach, Inc. has cleared the criteria in the “Business Continuity Plan Certification” and as of May, 2021 is certified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
About a Business Continuity Plan
To mitigate damage from natural disasters and to ensure speedy recovery of the company in such a case, a plan is pre-established. This plan is pre-established to mitigate damage and to ensure speedy recovery of the company in times of natural disasters. To ensure that both our employees and their families can be reassured as soon as possible in such events, to ensure the peace of mind of employees as well as their families in times of disasters, it is important that we formulate a plan ahead of time that accelerates recovery, even if by small margins. By fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities, providing safety to our customers, reducing secondary disasters, recovering quickly to ensure job security, and contributing and coexisting with the local community, we contribute to create a better and more sustainable community.
About Certification Policy
Based on the Law for Strengthening Small and Medium Enterprises, passed by the ordinary Diet in 2019, this system was established as a national certification program for companies that have planned disaster prevention and mitigation measures.
SME Agency: Go to the Business Continuity Plan pagePlan Articles
- Means of identifying potential natural disaster risks using hazard maps.
- Procedural responses in the case of disaster:,including safety confirmation, evacuation procedures etc.
- Specific measures to secure personnel stuff, protect buildings and equipment, taking measures regarding funds and personal information.
- Efforts to ensure the feasibility of strengthening business continuity, such as conducting training and reviewing plans, etc.